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Pizza: history and curiosities

Pizza: history and curiosities

The pizza, that delightful dish we all know and love, has a fascinating history and curious facts. Originating from Naples, Italy, in the 16th century, pizza was a simple dish made of bread dough, cheese, and tomato sauce. The ancient Greeks and Egyptians already cooked a flatbread similar to pizza, but “modern” pizza as we know it today evolved in Naples when tomatoes were added in the late 18th century.

Pizza is the most consumed dish in the world, surpassing even the hamburger. Over 5 billion pizzas are sold each year worldwide. In the United States, 350 slices of pizza are consumed every second, and 93% of Americans who eat pizza do so at least once a month.pizzas

There are some interesting facts about pizza that you may not know. For example, the world’s most expensive pizza costs $12,000 and is found at Luis XIII in Salerno, Italy. Additionally, the largest pizza recorded in history was prepared in Rome, Italy, on December 13, 2012, and had a total surface area of 13,580.28 square feet.

Finally, we can’t talk about pizza without mentioning two pizza restaurants in Tenerife: Mamma Mia and Roma. Mamma Mia, located on Avenida de las Américas, is a very popular restaurant that has received excellent reviews and is known for its authentic Italian cuisine. On the other hand, Roma, located on Safari Avenida de la Playa de las Américas, is another pizza restaurant that is also beloved by pizza enthusiasts and is famous for its modern and elegant atmosphere.

Pizza is a universal dish that has evolved over the years and has conquered the taste buds of people around the world. Whether you prefer a traditional Margherita pizza or a pizza with more exotic ingredients, there is no doubt that pizza is a delight that has left its mark on the history of gastronomy.

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